What is Educational Organization Management System
according to ISO21001

For a long time, the educational organization as schools, universities and high institutes implement the quality management system certification according to ISO9001 and no accredited approved scheme was placed specially for the educational system.

Finally, on 1st of May 2018, The International Organization for Standardization (ISO) released the Educational Organization Managements System (EOMS) ISO21001:2018 that is addressed only for Educational Establishments.
The standard focuses on the specific interaction between an educational organization, the learner, customers and other relevant interested parties.

The QA staff has to be trained on the new standard and learn how to implement and self-audit the EOMS system to ensure readiness for the Certification phase.

Principles of ISO21001

• Focus on learners and other beneficiaries

• Visionary leadership

• Engagement of people

• Process approach

• Continual improvement

• Relationship management

• Social responsibility

• Accessibility and equity for students to the educational service and products

• Ethical conduct

• Data security and protection